Our aims for distribution follow Unrest, which premiered at Sundance and over 50 film festivals in the US, UK, Europe and Australia, followed by a theatrical release, a US broadcast, worldwide release on Netflix, and over 300 screenings in more than 80 countries. Our release garnered press in over 200 outlets such as The New York Times, NPR, Good Morning America, BBC Breakfast, The Guardian, and Vogue.

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, there were roughly 150 million living with the conditions featured in 4mm. These last few years, an estimated 65 million have become newly ill.

Unrest’s award-wining, community-driven impact campaign passed legislation and educated medical students and physicians all around the globe. 4mm’s campaign will build on Unrest’s work, educating the public and mobilizing new patient and physician communities.

Learn more about Unrest’s impact campaign